7 Important Questions To Ask A Coach Before You Hire Them


Lindsay White
7 min readJan 27, 2021


Welcome back to Part II of this weeks’ blog!

In Part I, I talked all about the importance of doing your research and due diligence when you are thinking of working with a coach. I discussed the 7 Questions You Need To Ask Before Hiring A Coach and how essential they are if you want to find the right fit. There’s no doubt, coaching is a significant investment of your time and money, and neither should be wasted working with someone who isn’t right for you!

In Part II, I want to get a bit more personal, and give you my answers to a few of those important questions. That way you’ll know what I’m all about, and if I might be the right fit for you. We will talk about what I offer my clients, what certifications I have, and how all of that come together to create amazing value for my clients!


I actually have two coaching certifications. I am a PCC (Professional Certified Coach) and a CPCC (Certified Professional Co-Active Coach). Having both of these designations is really important to me because I’m passionate about being a great coach. The combination of these two certifications enables me to bring the best level of training, competency, professionalism and ethical standards to every coaching conversation.

If you remember from Part I, the PCC designation is a global certification, offered through The International Coach Federation (ICF). The ICF really sets the bar for all the different types of coaches, from life — to leadership — to executive. I love that having this designation shows my clients that I am part of a world-wide profession, and that I have the highest standard of both training and ethics. Many people take 2–4 years to reach this accreditation, I was fortunate that I was able to work as a full-time coach right away and achieved the certification in 18 months. Coaching isn’t just my job, it’s my profession and my passion, and being a part of the ICF demonstrates my commitment.

My second designation, the CPCC from the Co-Active Training Institute (CTI), indicates that I’m a Co-Active coach. This certification is all about the approach I take with my clients, and how we work together in service of the transformation they desire. I choose to become a co-active coach because the philosophy behind this model aligns with what I believe and how I want to coach. When I come into any conversation, but particularly a conversation with a coaching client, I always approach that other person with the perspective that they are naturally creative, resourceful and whole. That means I know they are creative enough to find the answers they need, resourceful enough to figure out how to get what they want, and just need a guide to help them along the way.

The real power behind the co-active approach to coaching is that it’s not actually about the destination; it’s not about achieving a specific goal. It’s really about the journey. Co-active coaching, at its most simplistic, means being in action, or more accurately, being together in action. It’s really about understanding the ‘being part’, and then connecting it to the ‘doing-part’ — knowing who you are and how you show up. Finding out what’s important to you, and then translating that into activity.

In the coaching relationship I’m acting as a guide, not an instructor. I’m supporting my client by creating a safe space, asking really powerful, thought-provoking questions, and sparking incredible conversations that lead to transformation. This helps my clients to stretch and grow, showing them what they are capable of, and pushing them beyond what they think they can do.



I’m so glad you asked!! I’m also accredited as a Chartered Professional in Human Resources (CPHR). This national HR designation I’ve had for many years, having worked for a decade in the corporate HR world. The CPHR certification really demonstrates my level of HR expertise, professional experience, and of course ethical standards. Like many professional designations, the PCC included, I’m required to complete yearly professional development to make sure that I keep my skills current and my industry knowledge up to date!


Although you’ll find lots of HR professionals that have both an HR and a coaching designation, you won’t find many others who use them the same way that I do. What you might find is an HR professional who also coaches leaders…many do! Or you might find an HR consulting practice that offers some coaching in addition to their other services. There’s lots of different variations. But what I do is different. As a coach and HR professional I combine the two practices into one offering that supports each female business owner, her team, and the culture they’ve created. I coach those business women to become great leaders, in their life and their work. I help them create a people strategy that drives their business success, and build a culture that inspires their team and their clients. What I do, at High Voltage Leadership, encompasses every female leader — their life and their business.


Many people think that coaching is about setting a goal, creating accountability, and driving toward that finish line. The truth is, if you aren’t clear on why you desire that goal, why it is really important, you might not accomplish what you really desire. In the end, you may be spending time working towards a milestone that feels hollow in the end. If you are not crystal clear and deeply connected, to who you are, what you value, and what your purpose is, you may be confusing your own agenda, with goals others have set for you or that you think you ‘should’ achieve.

In order to help my clients really begin to understand their value and purpose, I often start with asking questions like this:

  • Why do you want that goal? What’s important about it?
  • How does this goal align with, or honour, your values?
  • How does this goal serve your purpose?

Sometimes these question can propel a new client to take a hard look at what they are doing, and how they are showing up,and it can lead to really meaningful personal growth. Asking those questions when I first engage with a client is critical. As a coach, I know that the work I do will change my clients business, and their life. My clients share deeply personal and confidential information with me. They share their biggest dreams, and their deepest fears, and I am always incredibly honoured to create a space where they can explore and grow.

My approach to coaching isn’t the only thing that makes what I do unique. It’s actually the combination of the coaching and HR, or ‘People Strategy’ that set me apart. In combining the two, not only am I able to help female business owners harness their own power, and experience their own amazing transformations, but they are then able to translate that to their team, and ultimately their business. The combination of leadership coaching and people strategy results in a cultural shift inside of every small business that I work with. This ‘shift’ is a change in behavior, change in accountability, change in every team members’ focus and mindset, and ultimately driving amazing customer interactions.


What I like to do, in addition to answering all those great questions, and discussing my approach, is a ‘laser coaching’ session with a prospective client. This is a very short, targeted coaching interaction — no more than 10 minutes — but it gives each new client the opportunity to really experience what being coached is like. It’s the real test of fit between me and my new client! If you’re curious about understanding what the coaching experience feels like, or have any questions you’d like to ask me, I invite you to click on the link below and book time with me. Every week I hold a few spaces in my calendar to connect with new, curious clients. I would be thrilled to connect, answer your questions, do a laser coaching session, and discover if my approach is the right one for you. Here’s the link to the book right now.


There’s no doubt, the impact a coach can have is very powerful. Finding a coach that is a great fit, has the right approach, and the best level of competency and ethical standards, is really key. I know that coaching is important and impactful, because I’ve experienced my own transformation through coaching. It’s changed the way that I show up in my life and my business. That’s why I’m so passionate about ensuring that you find a coach that really fits for you, and will guide you to experiencing your own transformation. The right person is out there, and now you know how to find them.



Lindsay White

I guide female small business owners as they grow, lead and inspire their teams — driving profitability through their people.